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Ch - Our Constitution

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A. Tick the Correct Option.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- the President enjoys real power as the head of the state.

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- directly elected members.

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- special majority with ratification by the state legislature.

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Secular state.

Q. 5. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- The Government at the centre is very strong.

B. Fill in the Blanks.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- The Family

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Religions, Cultures, Language

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Fundamental Principles, Regulations

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- hereditary

Q. 5. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- unified and integrated

C. Write True or False for the following statements.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- False

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- False

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- True

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- True

Q. 5. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- False

D. Answer the following questions in brief.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- i) Right to Information
          ii) Right to Education
          iii) Nationalisation

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Indian constitution is rigid as well as flexible on the basis of procedure of its amendments. It is rigid because can't be amended easily but also flexible because can be amended easily.

i) By Simple Majority
ii) By Special Majority

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- i) There is close relationship betweene the legislature and the execution.
ii) The council of ministers is constituted form amongst the members of the legislature.
iii) The head of the state, the president in case of India, is a nominal head.

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Indian federation is quite unique because the central government which is also called the Union government, is so powerful that at times it appears that India is not really a federation but a Unitory state.

Q. 5. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- i) By Simple Majority
  ii) By Special Majority
          iii) Special majority and ratification.

E. Answer the following questions.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- The constituent assembly of India, included eminent personalities like Jawahar Lal Nehru, Dr. BR Ambedkar, Maulana Arad, etc. And 15 female members also in the constituent assembly like Sucheta Kriplani, Sarojni Naidu, etc.
Contribution of Constituent Assembly :-

i) It helps to deliberate on the constitution of India.
ii) It helped in drafting of Indian Constitution.

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Five Salient features of the Indian Constitution are :-

i) Uniqueness of Constitution.
ii) World's lengthiest Constitution.
iii) Indian Constitution is written.
iv) Indian Constitution is both rigid as well as flexible.
v) India has parliamentry form of government.

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- i) It defines nature of a country's political system.
ii) Provide certain significant guidelines that can help in decision making within a democratic set-up.
iii) Plays a critical role in democratic societies towards the achievement of desired goals.
iv) Gaurds our national interests.
v) Ensure that the majority group does not dominate the minarities.

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- i) India is a Sovereign state because the country is free from all external control.
ii) India is a Socialist state because socialism is one of the national goals to be achieved.
iii) India is a secular state because all religions enjoy equal freedom.
iv) India is democratic, republic because the head of the state government is elected by the people.

Q. 5. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Some people say that India is a federation with unity features because -

i) India is a federation with a unity bias and is referred as a Quasi federal state because of strong central machinery.
ii) The Constitution also empowers the centre to create new states, to change the boundaries of the existing states, to split or merge existing states.
iii) The Centre is financially more powerful, making states dependent on it for resources.
iv) There has also been increased dependence of states of central forces like CRPF to maintain internal security and low and order.
v) States are also dependent on the centre for resources.

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