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English Literature

Ch - The Fun they Had

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B. Answer the following questions in 30 words each.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- It was awfully funny to read words that stood still, instead of moving the way they were supposed to on a computer screen.

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Margie started hating her school more than ever because her mechanical teacher had been giving test after test in geography and she had been doing worse and worse.

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- The geography sector of Margie's teacher was geared up a little too quick.

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- 'He' refers to the country inspector and 'it' refers to the mechanical teacher. Margie did not want it to be put together because she hated it as it had been giving her test in geography and she had been doing worse and worse.

II Hots

A. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Tommy is referring to the real book as a waster. No, I think a book can never be a waste, weather it is a telebook or a paperbook. A book is after all treasure of knowledge and is always helpful in the way to our success.

B. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- There are many advantages and disadvantages having a computer teacher as compared to a human teacher.

* Advantages :- It is smarter and gives answer in number times. It can never waste time. It can teach all the subjects. It never gets confused on any topic. It can teach students according to their understanding level.

* Disadvantages :- It cannot motivate the students. It cannot interact with them. It cannot understand their feelings, etc.

IV Values

Q. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Margie thought going to school be fun as all the kids from the whole neighbourhood come laughing and shouting in the school by sitting together in the classroom / going to home together or at the end of the day. They learned the same things so they could help one another in the homework and talked about it. And the most important thing the teacher were people who could understand the feeling of students.

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