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Ch - Natural resources : Vegetation and Wildlife

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A. Tick the Correct Option.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Natural Vegetation

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Tropical Evergreen Forests

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- sal and teak

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- broad leaves

Q. 5. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- human interference

B. Fill in the Blanks.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Vegetation

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Sunlight, water

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Fertility

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Evaporation

Q. 5. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Decidious

C. Write a technical term or an inappropriate word for each of the following statements.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Evergreen forests

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Decidious forests

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Conferous forests

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Afforestation

Q. 5. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Mountain Forests

D. Answer the following questions in brief.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- All the trees of the Tropical Rain forests do not shed their leaves at the same time, so they are called evergreen forests.

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Tropical Decidious forests shed their leaves during the dry season to conserve moisture. Sal and Teak are the two such trees.

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- 
i) Trees of these forests are widely scattered and have spiny, waxy, small and leathery texture leaves.
ii) They also have long roots and thick bark.
iii) Due to the above features, these trees are able to retain moisture in the dry summer season.

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- National Park :-

i) A national park is a well defined area for the protection of wildlife.
ii) Visitors can only visit the park.
iii) No one has a right to use any forest products.

Wildlife Sanctuary :-

i) Wildlife Sanctuary is declared as protected area in which human activities are permitted.
ii) Hunting of animals and cutting of trees are banned.
iii) People can collect firewood, timber and medicinal herbs in a moderate amount which can be used for reseach and educational purposes.

Q. 5. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- 
i) Hunting and poaching of wild animals and birds have been banned.
ii) Killing of wildlife is a punishable offence.
iii) Natinoal parks and wildlife Sanctuaries are being set-up in different parts of the world.

E. Answer the following questions.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- The assemblage of plant species in an environment is known as natural vegetation. Natural vegetation includes forests, grasses and shrubs. 
Temperature and rainfall are two important factors for the growth of plants. In the areas, where rainfall is heavy, the forests are thick and dense. As the rainfall decreases, the size and concentration of trees also reduce.

Examples :-
i) Shrubs and short trees are common in the areas of low rainfall or in desert areas.
ii) In cold regions, plants occur in scattered patches in the form of mosses and lichens.

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Tropical Decidious Forests :-
i) These forests are commonly found in India, Myanmar, South China, East Brazil and Central parts of America.
ii) These forests thrive in regions where the climate is warm, with distinct wet and dry seasons.
iii) Decidious forests receive summer rainfall in the month of June, July, August, September, ranging between 100-200 cm.

Conferous Forests :-
i) These forests are common in the higher latitides of the northern hemisphere and high mountains in Europe, Asia, Canada and USA.
ii) These forests are found in colder regions of the world. Hence, the participation is received in the form of snow in water.
iii) The trees do not shed their thick-needle shaped leaves and hence, look evergreen.

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Forests help us to breathe by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. They provide safe habitat to the wild animals. Many people depend on forests for their livelihood. Trees also help in keeping the earth cool. Root of the trees bind the soil particles which help to raise the ground level and prevent floods.

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Wildlife is the most important part of the natural ecosystem. Wildlife is important for its aeshthetic values and ecological balance. The beauty of wild animals boosts tourism and creates jobs for the people. Animals behaviour changes at the time of natural disasters like tsunami and earthquake. If this information can be harnessed for imparting early warning systems, then life of lots of people can be saved.

Q. 5. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- In various parts of the world, human beings hunts wild animal for various purposes like meat, skin, horns, etc. This disturbs the ecological balance of the environment. Many birds have become extinct and many others are on the verge of extinction. Our forests are treasures troves of biodiversity. They harbour millions of species of animals. Our wildlife suffers severely due to deforestation and urbanisation.

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