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English Literature

Ch - Granny's Tree Climbing

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A. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, answer the following questions in one word/phrase.

Q. 1. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- At the age of six.

Q. 2. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- A loving brother of her.

Q. 3. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- 62 years old.

Q. 4. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- In Summer.

Q. 5. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- For one week.

Q. 6. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Her Son.

Q. 7. (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Glasses and tray.

B. Read the extracts and answer the following questions that follow.

Q. 1. We sighed with relief and tucked her up with poor granny. For her, it was like a brief season in hell,

Confined to her bedroom, while every breeze whispered of summer and dancing leaves.

a) (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- The narrator and his family sighed in relief because granny was advised to take one week bed rest.

b) (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Granny was confined to bed because she had high fever. She found it a brief season in a hell because she felt heavenly pleasure in climbing trees, but now she would not be able to climb any trees for a week.

c) (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- She finally got rid of this season in hell by holding her place till she felt stronger and building for her a tree top house.

Q. 2. ..... but it was feared by all that one day she'd have a terrifle fall. The outcome was different ......

a) (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- Everyone feared that Granny would have a terrible fall one day.

b) (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- The outcome was that she got trapped in a tree one day. It was different as everyone had expected that she would have a great fall one day.

c) (For Questions, See your book or download this Chapter PDF by Clicking here)

Ans :- This outcome leads to one week bed rest and finally a tree top house for granny.


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Ans :- Breeze and leaves are non-living things, so they cannot perform these human actions. But, here they have been personified for the sake of figurative beauty of the poem. The figure of speech which is used here is 'personification'.


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Ans :- If I get chance to live in a tree-top house, I would face several problems like climbing up and down, problems of cooking, falling down, poisonous insects and so on. At the same time, I would enjoy also like I would get cool and fresh air, enjoy swinging, beautiful scenery, etc.


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Ans :- What I do to spend quality time with your grandparents are as follows :-
i) I cook family favorite recipes together.
ii) I have regular visits to the park together.
iii) I learn new skills together.
iv) I read stories together, etc.


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Monday, 19th April 1952
8 : 36 P.M.

Today I am feeling very bad. The main reason is that I love climbing trees so much that I can't leave it in any cost, but my family members do not approve it. They say that one should stop climbing trees when one grow old because it is disgraceful. But I don't care about what they think about me.
I have told them that I can do it better and finally they have to agree. They very well know my skills in climbing trees, but they certainly have fear I know. Actually I learnt this skill at a age of six and since then, I have climbed every tree in all the garden. 
In fact, I have heavenly pleasure in climbing trees. I cannot be happy. Therefore, I will never stop climbing trees as long as I am alive


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